Sunday, 24 March 2013

Day 5: Playing Around

Wow. I am thrilled to be in the company of such world-class teachers, and they all seem like they're playing! Yesterday I took a workshop with my NC colleague Glenna Batson on "coming from the heart" in our teaching. We began with a movement exploration of our physical heart and moved on to bring a new awareness of its pulse, depth, and support to putting hands on. This morning I attended a session on freeing the voice with Vivien Mackie, where we played games and sang. I've just come now from a practice lindy hop session - I've got a new dance friend, and we'll be teaching a basic lesson tonight - after the limerick competition, judged (of course) by my teacher Giora!

I've exchanged work with old friends and new, been part of rich conversations on the future of our esteemed profession, and discovered the biscuit boxes tucked in all the tea/coffee break rooms.

I'm afraid there's not much good news on the food front - I am at a retreat center after all, and being in Ireland and all I should have thought ahead about my sensitivity to nightshades.... Three meals in a row with potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant AND peppers has led me to eagerly anticipate plan old boiled vegetables for the remainder of my stay :-€

I did photograph yesterday's unusual breakfast of sliced meat and cheese. I'm afraid I took all the frilly lettuce garnish, too, but I have no regrets!



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