Wednesday 3 April 2013

I'm In Paris

It's true. I've been here five days now. Please forgive me my indolence; part recovery from the last week, part recovery from the last year has led me to be slow to appreciate the grandeur of my current circumstances.

This is l'Eglise de St. Ambroise, right across the street from where I'm staying. The church bells ring rather frequently, but it's not unpleasant.


These are the treats I bought myself on Easter: A lovely pear tarte fine and some daffodils. Still looking sharp a few days later.

Then we have today's tour of la Cimitière du Pére Lachaise. I went there feeling rather morose myself, and thankfully time and the large trees (and abundance of quietude) soothed me. The architecture is rather stylish, don't you think?

Below is the mausoleum for Heloise and Abelard, famous for their tragic but enduring love affair.

I finally bought myself a wonderfully inexpensive bottle of wine, along with some incredible pate de campagne and chevre cidre, and am toasting you all from afar....


1 comment:

  1. Alor, c'est SA vie!
    the rest of us are just dealing with landing home again!
    it is, at least, warm here in the Triangle, while others are still facing blizzards.
    Glad you are having a fab time and I trust getting to a little burlesque now and again
